
I have not succumbed to the Dark Side, and picked up a double bladed paddle but eventually one gets tired of watching others rip up the fast waves while you wallow in the trough without the edges to carve it up also. If you are also wondering what it would be like to get vertical without challenging the biggest man-eating hole on your local river it might be time to consider C-1.
Some kayakers could also be looking for a fresh challenge without risking life and limb on an even harder class 5-6 river. There is nothing like the thrill of passing the paddle across the bow of your boat, giving up the security of a ready low brace, to make the offside forwards and offside draws to stay on line in class 3-4 rapids. Did I mention you don't have to paddle a couple of tons of water to the nearest eddy and bail or dump out?
Ok, you are still a die-hard open boater and never want to be seen as anything but an open boater. Consider C-1 as the last major step in your training, my padowan learner. There is no better way to improve edge control, balance, forward stroke, and off side skills, than trying to do it in a C-1.
Good paddling, Tim

Sightings: Jan Dettmer has been seen grinning in a skirt.

and running on